Bruno Gambini

Bruno Gambini has been a much loved Youth Worker in the city of Derby for over 30 years. You could probably walk into any parish within the city and people would smile on hearing his name. Those who work alongside him explain “Bruno doesn't see himself as a youth worker, yet the work he continually does with young people year after year is simply wonderful. Bruno doesn't see himself as a Youth Minister but the amount of young people who have stuck with their faith because of Bruno's gentle but powerful witness is amazing.” Bruno understands that life as a teenager can be hard, sometimes deadly boring and very often confusing. Bruno is a constant presence of fun, sound advice and unfailing encouragement. “Bruno loves young people and young people love him, it really is that simple.” Bruno’s commitment is unfailing - he's always there. He works in parish youth groups, confirmation programmes, within the deaf community and is a regular on the HCPT Lourdes pilgrimages.

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